
Monday, January 5, 2015

Twelfth Night

Life went back to normal today.  I woke at 5:30 a.m., showered, woke Charlotte so she could shower, woke Parker after Charlotte was finished, drank coffee, packed snacks, drove children to school, drove myself to work, worked, went to the old house to grab a few things, went to the new house to bake a King Cake (Happy Twelfth Night!), picked up the kids from school, started supper, drove Charlotte to ballet, finished cooking supper, left it simmering on the stove so I could pick up Charlotte, attended a town board meeting (our town honored my father-in-law, who passed in December), served my family a delicious supper eaten only by my husband and I, cut everyone a piece of cake (no one found the bean!!!), no one liked the cake (again, only my husband and I- so we finished off everyone else's), cleaned up the kitchen, tucked everyone in bed, and sat down.

What is it with children and food?  How is it that I have given birth to such picky eaters?  I will eat ANYTHING.  And I do mean most anything.  I don't like chicken livers.  Or goat.  But other than that, I really can't think of anything that I absolutely will not eat.  

Supper tonight was delicious.  We had cheese tortellini soup (recipe here)- this recipe never fails!  It is so yummy.  The King Cake was delicious as well.  I got the recipe from this book, which I am really enjoying!

I've decided to go back and watch all the Downton seasons in order.  So I'm gonna settle into my chair with my laptop and my knitting and enjoy a little "me" time.

Good Night!

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