
Sunday, January 4, 2015

No Rest for the Weary

The day began late, yet again.  Charlotte was up most of the night with a horrible cough.  I finally got her back to sleep around 5:00 a.m.  When my alarm went off at 8:00, she came in my room and asked if she could skip church and sleep in.  Of course I said yes, rolled over, and went back to sleep.  This is the last day of Christmas vacation- we should enjoy it, no?

I vowed to rest today, but Annabel had quite a mess in her room, so I tidied it up a bit.  She promptly came in and said "Thank you, mommy".  Such a polite, but very messy, little girl.

Charlotte asked if I would help her hang a few things on her walls, so I did something very out of the ordinary for me- I stopped what I was doing and went to her aid.  I'm usually "too busy" or "I will help you in a little bit", but not today.  Today we hung art!

She wanted to hang her bug collection- it was a school science project- so I did.  Then her bulletin board decorated with her instax photos (have you seen that camera?  It's so cool!); a little plaque she won at her dad's Christmas party this year; and 5 paintings that she did over the years.  I love her artwork- so bright and cheerful.

When I finished her room, I decided to move on to Parker's.  I ordered the super cool honeycomb shelves here last year and never hung them in the old house.  Those types of things always intimidate me.  Two screws with anchors in two places on each set of three shelves.  Takes precise measurement and I'm more of an eyeball-er!  I managed to hang them in my own special way.  Hey- I did it.  Cut me some slack!

The scripture painting was a gift from a dear friend and the frog he painted at art camp last year.  He loves to paint- any kind of art, really.  He is very creative.  The monkey was painted by local artist (my high school art teacher and very dear friend) Beth Hill.

Dinner was on time (6:30 p.m. on the dot!) and was delicious.  Egg noodles with chicken, carrots, celery & parsley, cooked in the chicken's broth.  Garden peas, homemade sourdough bread & homemade butter.  Charlotte ate her peas but barely touched her chicken.  Of course, she ate plenty of bread.  She eats like a bird!

With everyone bathed and settled into bed, it's time for the new season of Downton Abbey.  

Do you watch Downton?

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